End of Year Cryptolist #06

End of Year Cryptolist #06

End of Year Cryptolist #06 For Google Apps
End of Year Cryptolist #06

Here is a cryptic puzzle for end of the school year that supports consolidation of spelling, vocabulary building and activating problem solving skills.

The list of words in this cryptolist has been encrypted with an alphabet code. That means that each letter in the word has been substituted with another letter of the alphabet. There is no specific pattern of substitution. (For example: Letter A=Z, B=Y, C=X, etc). Rather, it is random.

To solve the puzzle use knowledge of letter patterns, word patterns, sentence structure, and vocabulary related to end of the school year to make educated guesses and connections between what you know and what the puzzle shows.

Record letter substitutions in the decoder chart at the top of the page.

Suitable for remote learning, hybrid classrooms (in-person and virtual learning) and in-person learning, this cryptolist puzzle is available in downloadable PDF and google apps versions.