Financial Literacy Crossword#06

Financial Literacy Crossword#06

Are you looking for educator lesson plan activities and resources to support students learning about personal financial literacy? This crossword puzzle supports differentiated learning and distance learning for students grades 3-5.

Solve the puzzle
l. review the across and down clues
2. solve for the easiest clues, first (usually the clues with blank lines - two lines mean two words); fill in the blank spaces with the correct answers
3. continue solving for clues, using intersecting letters as possible hints
4. track progress by crossing off each clue as it's solved

Choice board activity ideas
l. record the list of words in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order
2. have students write a story using the list w
3. use the list of words from the puzzle in word searches - use link below for blank wordsearch grids

LINK to blank wordsearch grids: blank wordsearch grids