Financial Literacy Scrambled#05

Financial Literacy Scrambled#05

Are you looking for educator, parent, caregiver lesson plan activities and resources for financial literacy? Here is a fun, engaging and interactive word search puzzle to activate problem solving strategies, support vocabulary building and get kids to have fun learning without them even knowing it. Puzzle is suitable for kids grades 3-5, with most vocabulary specific to TEKS 3.9A, 3.9B, 3.9C, 3.9D, 3.9E. Great to include in distance, blended and independent learning environments. Suitable for home schooling environments, and as a tutoring resource.

How to Solve the Puzzle
1. rearrange the letters to reveal the correct spelling
2. print the correct spelling
3. locate the words hidden in the grid and then trace their letter paths
4. track progress by crossing off the word, or putting a check mark beside it

Lesson plan activity ideas
l. use puzzle for morning work, daily language puzzle activities, vocabulary building
2. have kids create their own word search puzzles using grids found at the link below
3. integrate financial literacy puzzle with other areas of the curriculum (the Arts, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education, other language curricula)

Link to blank word search grids found here: Word Search Grid