Are you looking for teacher ideas for Fourth of July? Here is a hidden words word search puzzle that engages students' brains as they use problem solving strategies to solve the puzzle. Students need to locate 20 words in the puzzle and then record the list in the space provided.
As a first step, brain storming ideas will help to just start the process.
Word search puzzle is available in both PDF and Google apps. This puzzle supports distance, hybrid and in-person classroom. Puzzle also supports homeschooling and tutoring.
Solve the puzzle
-locate the 20 words hidden in the grid
-trace the letter paths
-letter paths travel horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all 8 directions
-record the words in the space below the grid
Other lesson plan ideas might include:
1. use words in simple and/or complex sentences
2. organize words into parts of speech
3. have students create a report using the 5-Ws and How
4. integrate words into STEM/STEAM activities
5. take a longer word and create a list of smaller words from the base word
For example: the word 'declaration' would generate words like: ration, race, nice, ion, lion, dear, decor