Here is a landforms crosspatch crossword puzzle to engage kids' critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies. This puzzle includes letter hints to support differentiated learning and get kids used to working with puzzles where the only clues are the words and the blank spaces. Use this puzzle to support distance learning and include in choice boards. Answers included with the file download. Suitable for kids in grades 3-5, home schools and as a tutoring resource.
Puzzle is available as a downloadable puzzle to print and as a Google Slide™.
Solve the puzzle
l. Review the list of 15 words below the grid.
2. Start the word fill in the blanks by using the letter hints that match with word clues.
3. Fill in the remaining blank spaces with the words that share similar letters.
4. Track progress by crossing off each word as it is placed in the grid.
Choice board activities include:
l. Use the list of landform words to create word searches (link for blank templates is below).
2. Combine a collection of favorite tunes to match with the list of landform words.
3. Construct: board game, series of flash cards, BINGO game, 3D models of landforms
Link to blank template grids: blank word search grid.