Landforms Scrambled WordMaze#01

Landforms Scrambled WordMaze#01

Landforms Scrambled WordMaze#01 For Google Apps
Landforms Scrambled WordMaze#01

Are you looking educator resources for choice board activity ideas and resource for landforms? Here is a landforms scrambled letters word maze puzzle that engages kids' critical thinking skills while helping them build vocabulary. Word paths wander right, left, up, and down but not diagonally. Letter paths do not cross.

Challenging puzzle is available in both printable and Google Slide™ formats.

Solve the puzzle
1. rearrange the letters to reveal the words hidden in the gird
2. print the correct spelling
3. review the list of words
4. locate the circled letter, |L|
5. trace the letter path, remembering that letters travel up/down/right/left, but not diagonally
6. review the word list and compare with surrounding letters at the end of the word path
7. decide which word to trace next
8. continue with steps 5-7 until all word paths are traced
9. track progress by crossing out each word as it is found

Choice board activity ideas:
l. engage kids' CREATIVITY by encouraging them to make puzzles to exchange with others to solve [e.g. scrambled letters puzzle; crossword puzzles; matching puzzle; word search puzzles using blank work search grids (see link below)]
2. use list of words to create flash cards, a board game, or BINGO game
3. create 3D model of landforms and label it
4. do a research project on one of the landforms

Link to blank word search grids: blank word search grid.