Misspelled Scrambled Puzzle 02

Misspelled Scrambled Puzzle 02

Misspelled Scrambled Puzzle 02 For Google Apps
Misspelled Scrambled Puzzle 02

Are you looking for teacher resources and lesson plan activities for commonly misspelled words? This scrambled letters word search puzzle requires students to rearrange letters in each of the word clues, prior to locating the words hidden in the grid. Create a collaborative classroom by having students work together to solve the puzzle.

Lesson plan activities include:
- list words in reverse alphabetical order
- use list of words as writing prompts
- create definitions for each word
- use with early finishers
- have students create their own word search puzzles to share with peers and solve

Misspelled scrambled letters word search is available as a puzzle to print and in Google Slides™ formats.