Periodic Table Scrambled #11() |
Are you a teacher looking for academic chemistry resources for the periodic table? Here is a table of elements wordangle puzzle. List of 20 scrambled word clues supports and complements ongoing programming.
Solve the puzzle:
-FIRST, rearrange the scrambled letters to reveal the hidden words; record correct spelling
-NEXT, locate the words hidden in the grid
-REMEMBER that most letter paths cross; word paths travel forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically, but not diagonally;
-THEN, trace the letter paths
-FINALLY, track progress by checking off the words, or crossing out words as they are discovered
Additional puzzle ideas ideas:
- students can CREATE unique word search puzzles using the list of word clues and blank word search grids located here: blank word search grid templates
- IDENTIFY different elements, in the list, that are: toxic/non-toxic, stable/unstable (remember to include elements' isotopes), natural element vs laboratory discovered, ancient elements vs modern elements
- students can ORGANIZE the list of elements by: a)stability/instability of isotopes, b)toxicity levels (least to most/most to least), c)atomic number/weight/mass, d)period, e)group, f)ancient/modern
- use list of words as research prompts (e.g. who discovered what elements? how were elements discovered? details about elements, and related isotope; stable vs unstable elements; which elements can be combined to create new compounds?)
- combine the elements from the list, where possible, to create new compounds (e.g. Carbon + Oxygen = CO2)
Benefits of using puzzles:
1. supports brain health
2. improves memory
3. supports visual acuity
4. activates problem solving strategies and critical thinking skills