Persuasive Writing Multiple Choice Google Quiz#02

Persuasive Writing Multiple Choice Google Quiz#02

Persuasive Writing Multiple Choice Google Quiz#02 For Google Apps
Persuasive Writing Multiple Choice Google Quiz#02

This list of persuasive writing words multiple choice puzzle supports formative and summative assessments, as well as independent learning.

Available in downloadable PDF and google quiz formats, this Periodic Table multiple choice puzzle is suitable for distance learning, hybrid classrooms (in-class and virtual learning) and in-class learning.

To solve the printable version of the puzzle:
-download and print the file
-choose the answer that best matches each clue
-record the letter to the left of each clue

To solve the Google Quiz™ version:
-use the link and copy the file to the computer
-click the PREVIEW button
-select the answer that best matches each clue
-click SUBMIT and then VIEW SCORE