Properties of Matter Wordsearch#01

Properties of Matter Wordsearch#01

Properties of Matter Wordsearch#01 For Google Apps
Properties of Matter Wordsearch#01

Are you looking for engaging teacher, parent, caregiver resources for states and properties of matter? Here is a 15 word word search puzzle to activate problem solving skills while making learning fun. Puzzle available in printable and Google Apps™ formats.

Properties of matter include characteristics such as: color, texture, volume, temperature, melting and boiling points, the sound things make (e.g. creaky, crunchy), whether it sinks/floats, how bendable it is, whether it is hard or soft), density, mass

Solve the puzzle:
l. review the list of words
2. locate the start bubble (circled letter)
3. trace the letter paths; letter paths travel up, down, right, and left
4. track progress by crossing off each word as it is found

Choice Board Activities
l. use the words to create a new puzzles (crossword, wordshapes, matching, multiple choice)
2. include puzzle in literacy and science centers
3. have kids complete the Frayer model graphic organizer

Puzzle suits kids grades 2-3, blended and distance learning, independent and differentiated learning environments.