K-2 Scrambled Letters #11

K-2 Scrambled Letters #11

Looking for lesson plan activities and resources for spelling months of the year? Here is a scrambled letters puzzle to engage K-2 students and home schoolers learning months of the year. Solving a variety of scrambled letters puzzles, using the same word list, helps consolidate spelling, vocabulary building and fine motor skill development.

To solve the puzzle
1. First, unjumble the letters, in the first word, to reveal the correct spelling
2. Next, print the correct spelling, remembering the capital letter, on the space provided
3. Then, continue with each word until the puzzle is complete

Other lesson plan activities:
l. have kids create T-charts using months of the year and then draw a picture of what they do in that month
2. use the list of words as writing prompts (e.g. write letters, create invitations for events that occur in different months of the year)
3. create artwork depicting all they know about a given month