Scrambled Letters #02

Scrambled Letters #02

Scrambled Letters #02 For Google Apps
Scrambled Letters #02

Are you looking for fun and innovative activities and resources for states of matter? Here is a scrambled letters puzzle to engage critical thinking skills while helping to build vocabulary and consolidate spelling! Word bank provided.

Puzzle is available as downloadable puzzle to print and Google Slide™.

Solve The Puzzle
l. first, review the list of words at the bottom of the page
2. next, unscramble the letters in each question
3. then, print the correct spelling on the blank line

Choice Board Activities
l. have kids do a scavenger hunt to locate some of the vocabulary from the puzzle (e.g. dew, oxygen)
2. have students create a puzzle using vocabulary from this and other know states of matter words (crosswords, multiple choice, word searches)
3. organize words by category of state: solid, liquid, gas