Summer Crossword Puzzle #06

Summer Crossword Puzzle #06

Summer Crossword Puzzle #06 For Google Apps
Summer Crossword Puzzle #06

This crossword puzzle, and Google Quiz™, is sure to keep kids' brains engaged as they discover the answers to the across and down clues. Summer activities is the theme.

Discover new ideas for summer fun by completing the puzzle. Challenge family and friends to see who can be the first to complete the puzzle.

To solve the printable version of the puzzle:
-download and print the file
-solve the Across and Down clues
-record the answers in the corresponding numbered boxes in the grid

To solve the Google Quiz™ version:
-use the link and copy the file to the computer
-click the PREVIEW button
-select the correct answer
-click SUBMIT and then VIEW SCORE

Puzzle supports multiple learning environments: distance learning, hybrid classrooms (in-class and virtual learning) and in-class learning environments and is available in PDF (print) and Google Apps versions.