Are you a parent, care-giver, or teacher looking for choice board activity ideas or resources for landforms? This matching landforms puzzle uses a list of 11 words to be matched with 2 columns of clues. Answers included in the file download. Puzzle suits grades 3-5, home school and tutoring resource. Engages kids' brains while supporting vocabulary building.
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Solve the puzzle
l. review the list of landform words
2. match words with their respective clues
3. record answer using either the correct letter, or the name of the landform, that matches the clue
4. cross off each matched word
Choice board activity ideas
l. compile a play list of music and match it with images of landforms
2. construct 3D models of landforms using color and labels
3. make connections between and among the various landforms (e.g. at the base of mountains are foothills)
Looking to create word searches?
Link to blank word search grids: blank word search grid.