Looking for interactive choice board resources to support kids' independent learning of landforms? Scrambled letters crosspatch puzzle engages students' critical thinking skills and supports vocabulary development.
Download your printable puzzle or save the Google Slide™ format to your computer.
How to solve the puzzle
-rearrange letters to reveal the word; record the correct spelling
-review the list of words and identify word/s with least and/or most number of letters; fill in the blanks with these words
-locate list words that share common letters and fill in the remaining blank spaces aligning the shared letters
-track progress by crossing off each word as it is identified
Choice board ideas:
-engage creativity: students construct word search puzzles using blank word search grids (see link below).
-encourage innovation: create treasure maps using a landform as the locale (while thinking outside the box): up/around/through a volcano, over hills and valleys, through a fjord (remember to include a legend, compass rose)
-stimulate creativity using multi-media design strategies: engineer and record (audio, audio/visual, hand drawn diagrams, use online/offline resources) construction of 3D model of a landform (student's choice); include color, labels, other relevant information as required
Link to blank word search grids: blank word search grid.