Landforms Scrambled Wordangle#05

Landforms Scrambled Wordangle#05

Landforms Scrambled Wordangle#05 For Google Apps
Landforms Scrambled Wordangle#05

Are you looking for choice board activities and interactive lesson plan resources for landforms? Here is a landforms scrambled wordangle puzzle to activate problem solving skills, and support vocabulary building. Puzzles usually include one right hand twist in the word paths; not all word paths cross. Suitable for grades 3-5, home school environments and as a tutoring resource.

Puzzle is available as printable PDF and Google apps.

Solve the puzzle
1. unscramble the letters to reveal the words hidden in the grid
2. record the correct spelling to make it easier to solve the puzzle
3. review the list of words prior to solving the puzzle; engages the brain
4. locate words hidden in the grid
5. word paths can travel right, left, down, up, but not diagonally
6. circle the word paths.
7. track progress by checking off words as they are found

Choice board activity ideas:
l. put words in alphabetical order and create a song, using a favorite tune and the newly created list
2. create a 2D/3D model of a landform, label its parts
3. categorize the landforms by size/type/location
4. encourage student CREATIVITY by having them construct their own word search puzzles to share (link below)
5. locate a jigsaw puzzle that includes landforms; complete this puzzle

Here is the link for blank word search grids: blank word search grid.