Periodic Scrambled Search#08

Periodic Scrambled Search#08

Are you a teacher looking for interactive lesson plan activities and resources to support students in academic chemistry? Table of periodic elements scrambled letters word search puzzle will engage critical thinking skills, activate problem solving strategies in a fun and interactive way. See additional lesson plan activities, below, to further consolidate understanding of periodic table chemistry. Puzzle suitable for students in grades 9-12 and home school environments, as a review for university chemistry and as a tutoring resource. Scrambled list of word clues adds to the challenge! There are no letter hints.

How to solve word search puzzle
-Before starting the puzzle, review the instructions appearing above the grid
-First, rearrange the scrambled letters to reveal list of hidden words
-Record the correct spelling of each element
-Then, locate the list of words hidden in the grid
-Next, circle each letter path (paths travel in all 8 directions)
-Finally, track your progress by crossing off the words in the list as they are discovered

Additional lesson plan activities:
1. CHALLENGE students - encourage them to create word search puzzles from a variety of blank word search grids found here: Blank Word Search Grids.
2. IGNITE INNOVATION - challenge students to create new puzzles: cryptograms, cryptolists, anagrams, scrambled letters lists, crossword puzzles (regular, freeform, crosspatch), other puzzle types as students may wish
3. ORGANIZE/CATEGORIZE list of elements by any number of topics: stability, number of isotopes, atomic weight/mass/number, group, period, or other category not listed.