Thanksgiving Scrambled Letters #05

Thanksgiving Scrambled Letters #05

Thanksgiving Scrambled Letters #05 For Google Apps
Thanksgiving Scrambled Letters #05

Unscramble these Thanksgiving theme based words in our printable puzzle. Engage students' problem solving skills with this downloadable puzzle. Letter pattern recognition, letter sequencing and memory skills about the words they are looking for, will all contribute to growth in vocabulary, development of neural connections and confidence as a learner. Differentiate instruction and extend learning to engage student learners using our downloadable, free printable puzzles. Complement current Thanksgiving programming with this scrambled letters puzzle in printable and Google Slides™ versions. Suitable for all ages and classrooms (remote, hybrid, in-person, tutoring, homeschoolers). Word bank supports differentiation.

Puzzle supports:
- early finishers
- students requiring a challenge
- Supply teacher's work
- vocabulary building
- fine motor skills
- visual acuity
- improved working memory skills

To complete the printable version of the puzzle:
-download and print
-review the list of words in the word bank
-rearrange the letters for each question
-record the correct spelling on the blank line

To complete the Google Slides™ version of the puzzle:
-copy the file to the computer
-review the list of words
-rearrange the letters for each question
-use the text tool to record the correct spelling on the line
-record the correct spelling in the text box

Other lesson plan activity ideas:
- list words in reverse alphabetical order
- use words to create a work of art (art with words)
- use words as prompts for drawing pictures