Earth Space Scrambled Wordangle09

Earth Space Scrambled Wordangle09

Earth Space Scrambled Wordangle09 For Google Apps
Earth Space Scrambled Wordangle09

Are you looking for fun and interactive activities to make learning fun? Here is an earth space scrambled letters word angle puzzle for parents, teachers, and care-givers to use. Kids love solving puzzles which makes using puzzles a fun and engaging way to learn. Puzzle activates problem solving skills while helping to build space science vocabulary. When kids are having fun, then they are learning without them even knowing it!

Download the puzzle to print and/or click on the Google Apps link to copy the file to the computer for the Google apps version.

Solve the Puzzle
-rearrange the scrambled letters to reveal the words; print the correct spelling
-locate the 19 words hidden in the grid
-trace the letter paths until all the words have been located; remember to watch for any right angled turns in the word paths
-track progress by crossing off the words as they are found

Choice Board Activity Ideas
l. ACTIVATE student curiosity by encouraging them to ask WHAT IF questions. For example: What if Jupiter was not part of our galaxy? Then what? Explain your thinking.
2. FOSTER creativity by involving kids' imaginations: get kids to construct a treasure map using some of the space words in the list (e.g. oxygen, star, axis)
3. IGNITE innovation by getting kids to engineer 3D models for activity #2, above. Have them record: project name, materials, procedure, observations, problems and their solutions, reflections, next steps.
4. ENGAGE students' inventiveness in a fun way by getting them to construct their own puzzles to share with others. Use words from the list of word clues to create: crossword puzzles (regular, freeform, crosspatch), matching, scrambled letters, and/or word searches from blank word search grids (links below).

Link to blank word search grids: blank word search

Link to basic 11x11 word search grid: 11 by 11 grid

Link to sun shaped, blank word search grid: sun shaped word search grid Use this blank grid as a: planet, the sun, full moon, new moon, harvest moon

Link to moon shaped, blank word search grid: moon shaped word search grid