Are you looking for free, printable educator lesson plan activity and resources for Earth Space? This word search puzzle includes letter hints to support differentiation. Puzzle is suitable for students in grades 4,5,6, home schools and as a tutoring resource. Brain teaser supports distance learning and helps students develop independence.
Puzzle is available in both downable for printing format and by clicking on the Google apps link to copy the file to the computer for the Google apps version.
To solve the puzzle students need to locate the 20 words hidden in the grid. Letter hints are the first letter for each hidden word. Trace each letter path.
Choice board activity ideas:
l. ENCOURAGE independence and creativity by getting kids to make their own word search puzzles using blank grids. (see links below)
2. SUPPORT development of research skills by getting kids to research a topic using one of the words from the list. For example: Hubble's Law
3. ENGAGE creativity by encouraging students to create other puzzle types: crosswords, matching, scrambled letters puzzles
Link to blank word search grids: blank word grids
Here is a link to the basic 15x15 word search grid: 15x15 word search grid